My name is MOHAMMAD ROHID SAFI and my Father Name is Shall Mohammad, I was born on 5, may, 1988. My birth place is Laghman – Afghanistan.
I do Speak Multiple Languages such us Dari, Pashto, English, Urdu and a little bit Arabic, I have started my Education aboard in Pakistan till class 6th elementary school and finished my 12th Grade in Abdul Hadi Dawi High School. I have got degree of Bachelor Computer Science in Khana e Noor University. Read more
From my young age I was in love with Technology and I was so keen to learn about Computer and how dose a computer work. there for I have dream to become one the best software developer in my country.
I have done some specialized courses in IT related field many years ago, current I have vast knowledge of C++, C, Python, Java Scrip, Visual Basic Read more.
I have started Serving my country After I graduated from High and my first Job was Computer Operator in Proctor and Gamble Pvt Company in 2007 and Currently I am working as a IT & Database Manager in Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission. Read more
Currently I live in: Yakatooth district 9th Kabul Afghanistan
you can contact via phone : 0093 785 414 248 or via email :
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